Saturday, September 30, 2006


“无校” 风波暴露马华当家不当权窘境




内阁为了挽救马华,避免选票流失,赶快推出一间早在七年前就批准迁校的古来二小,以及属于宏愿学校计划的布特拉高原敦陈修信小学,当作新的华小来作出“交待” ,不但形同欺骗华社,而且当华社是乞丐一般来施舍,令人愤慨!

向来高喊“与华小共存亡” 的马华,在争取建校的事件上节节败退,可是还是发表不确实的言论来掩盖本身的过失,意图模糊焦点,逃避现实。


内阁在重大压力之下仅仅宣布兴建两间不算“新” 的华小,根本是杯水车薪,解决不了华小严重缺乏的问题,马华不必也不应太过高兴,反之应该做好本分,继续努力争取增建华小。


马华中央教育局的文告提出的所谓两个重点(内阁及教育部申明政府会增建华小的政策,以及政府打破以往的做法,自2000年以来,开始为一些华小承担100%的兴建费) ,其实“言过其实” ,根本“另有文章” 。




至于万达镇的培才二小,也是为了破解行动党的威胁,担心流失八打灵华裔选票,将当地过剩的一间国小校舍(当地有三间国小过剩) 直接列为培才二小,成为“史无前例” 的大选糖果。


该局文告所列的柔佛再也华小,帝沙再也华小,康乐二校,安邦二校,都属于同样的性质,都是为了破解反对党大选压力的产物。马华还敢邀功,说是” 经过马华领导等人士,通过策略性不间断的游说,争取及营造而得“,更是令人不敢恭维,甚至有点那个了。

至于敦陈祯禄学校和敦陈修信学校,同属宏愿学校,都不是华社所要的学校,当然只好由政府100% 出钱啦!

此外,该局主任指这项决定已经记录在案,其实并不确实;把教育部长在新闻发布会的谈话当作是“增建华小是政府的政策,不增建华小不是政府的政策” ,更是有意误导华社,欺骗华社。





/ 刘天球

Dr Wong Sai Hou caught red-handed

Kg Tunku state assemblyman Dr Wong Sai Hou had promised the residents that he will "wash his hands" over his illegally erected service centre located opposite the Paramount LRT station in a dialogue.

But he quietly influenced the PJ Draft Plan committee to insert an item to "legalize" the plan.

He was caught red-handed by DAP PJ Action Team. When the local residents were informed about the plot, they staged a protest last Wednesday and submitted 15 sets of protest to MBPJ on the same afternoon.

I have requested the new Mayor in my courtesy call last Friday to visit the site and take the necessary actions.

Here are two seperate stories published by Sinchew and China Press on the protest on Wednesday morning...

居民反對建服務中心 要求展延修改大藍圖期限
updated:2006-09-29 11:30:47 MYT






“黃世豪在我們的面前指出,他將不再處理有關工程(Wash hand on this project)。可是,我們卻在本月1日發覺市政廳在打藍圖中,建議把此地段的用途,從房屋改為服務站中心。





另一方面,黃世豪受詢時表示,他們已決定尊重居民的意願,不會在有關地段興建服務中心。“修改的大藍圖只是一項建議,並非最後決定。地主已通知市政廳這項決定。”他強調,有關建築的用途將會用來充作住宅,不是服務中心。 (星洲日報/大都會‧2005/09/28)

今日焦點:住宅地段變會所 居民致函反對沒受理
● 地點:靈市24/20路


























“該工程已在6月停工。” 他今日接受本報電訪,針對居民指責他聯合私人地主在當地興建服務中心一事,這么指出。



Friday, September 29, 2006

DAP Education Forum: Crisis and Breakthrough

MALAYSIAKINI 郭史光庆Sep 29, 06 10:21am




























Comments on " Unstated BN policy- no more new Chi/Tamil schools"

My statement entitled "Unstated BN policy- No more new Chinese/ Tamil schools" was published by and it has attracted two 2 comments so far .

I find the second comment in particular contains some highly relevant points and full of optimism. And certain proposed ideas were controversial but certainly mind-provoking.What do you think?


Don'tPlayGod said...
I have also heard from MCA friends that the MCA had agreed to UMNO's order that no new Chinese schools would be built more that 25 years ago! One can see that is true as no Chinese schools have been built for the last 35 years!

Just take a look at K.L/P.J. where the population has increased by lelaps and bounds, and so many housing areas have sprung up. UMNO's wish is that mother-tongue education is to be eventually removed in time.

Education is something that is very close to the hearts and minds of the Chinese. So MCA, please stop saying that you represent the Chinese community.
Friday, September 29, 2006 12:16:59 AM

Cinama said...
Education is the basic rights of a citizen. Responsible Government must provide it.

I am an advocator of "Muhibbah" and Bangsa Malaysia. I believed in "Unity in Diversity".

Imagine the Chinese in Malaysia attracting investors from China, exporting to China thru common bond. The Indian attracting FDI from India and selling to India e.g. Samy Velu (though an ass-hole) can get construction project from India under B.O.T. The Melayu can attract oil money from the Middle East and other muslim countries. Exporting Islamic banking, halal food and turn Malaysia into an Islamic Hub.

Negara Malaysia will be the envy of the Universe and the exchange rate will be RM1.00 = S$2.345.

The World scenario have changed. I think we should built more SRJK(c) and SRJK (t) and religious school for Muslim. At secondary level, all should integrated into a single SMK. The University should then accept students based on merit.

Common university entrance examination and no more matriculation for Melayu and STPM for non-Malay etc. No more discrimination. Maybe you can have just one university(govt funded) strictly for Melayu and see if there is a demand for their graduates.

LKY is RIGHT. The non- Melayu, although Malaysian, are marginalised and discriminated. This should be STOPPED.

RPK, You are right, the UMNO General Assembly (according to The Star) will be postponed until the next General Election.If the UMNO General Assembly were to be held, I am sure AAB will receive a NO CONFIDENT vote and ousted.

If the GE is held within the next six months, BN will be wiped off. If I have to, I will voted for a monkey instead of BN.
Friday, September 29, 2006 10:23:44 AM









教育部长希山姆丁刚宣布的所谓两间新的华小,其中的古来二小其实不是新校。早在七年前就获得政府答应迁校的古来原本是大选糖果之一,后来迟迟不见踪影是因为第八大马计划没钱了(根据马华林时清的说词) 。







我想只有好像黄家定那样的领袖,才会称赞教育部长英明。只是兴建两间不算新的“新校” ,值得那么高兴吗?又不是20间,200间!!!




或许,华社应该拒绝“乞丐” 式的“施舍” ,大声向政府说不!

五年才兴建两间实在太少,有本事“收回去”,宣布一间新的也不建,看看华裔选民如何看待这项“待遇” ,也好让还在“睡觉” 的同胞从梦中惊醒!


Thursday, September 28, 2006

Unstated BN policy- no new Chinese/Tamil schools

Unstated BN policy- no new Chinese/Tamil schools.

Media statement by Ronnie Liu Tian Khiew, DAP CEC member and NGO bureau chief on Thursday, September 28, 2006 in Petaling Jaya

There was an unstated BN policy on mother-tongue education since the eighties, i.e. no more building of new Chinese and Tamil primary schools.

This is a fact MCA, MIC, Gerakan and SUPP ministers would never dare to admit openly because they have agreed to it more than two decades ago.

New Chinese or Tamil schools could only be built when the BN government was under tremendous pressure, usually used as sugar-coated gimmicks for winning votes in general elections or by-elections.

One such good example was SJKT Lunas in Kedah. It was built to garner Indian votes for the Lunas by-election. Nevertheless, BN has lost the seat simply because it was too late and too little to win the hearts of the local Indian community at that time.

The other example was SJKC Pui Chai II in Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya. It was built to prevent Chinese votes from switching to DAP in the 2004 general election. BN did very well here in spite of "killing" the original SJKC Damansara. Some 80 students are still putting up at the temple nearby to continue the struggle.

SJKC Kulai II, one of the so-called two new schools announced by Hisham yesterday, was in fact not a new school. It has gotten an approval seven years ago to be relocated as one of the election pledges.

It was not built until today because there was no more money under the 8th Malaysia Plan (according to Lim See Ching of MCA). And Hisham has shamelessly called it a new school!

And I suspect the so-called SJKC Tun Tan Siew Sin in Putra Heights was originally planned as a Vision School somewhere in Johor (which was called off and announced by Ling Liong Sik prior to the last general election).

Putra Heights is largely a new township still under construction. The demand for a SJKC would only come much later.

If the BN Government is really sincere and honest about promoting mother-tongue education, Hisham and company should be building new Chinese/ Tamil schools in matured townships like Wangsa Maju in Federal Territory and Bandar Sg Long and Bandar Mahkota Cheras in Selangor.

So, Noh Omar was correct when he answered M. Kula of DAP (MP of Ipoh Barat) that none of the 180 schools planned under the 9MP were Chinese or Tamil ones.

Hishammuddin Hussein’s response after the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday was nothing but lies. {Guess why Hisham did not even bother to lie about building any new Tamil schools, Komala ( and Samy Vellu?)}

Only people like Ong Ka Ting would praise Hisham for such a sham. How could he be so happy about the so-called two (not 20 or 200) ‘new schools” which were not “new” after all?

What is that compared to 180 new schools under the 9MP?

What is that compared to 134 Chinese schools that we need (according to DongJiaoZong’s proposal)?

But that’s the mentality of a ‘marginalized’ Minister as such. So sad.

YB Chew, what have you got to say to these two Malaysiakini readers?

The crime rate in PJ is climbing up rapidly just like any other urban towns. But all the elected reps like Chew Mei Fun of PJ Utara could do was to hold PR dialogues with residents and police force.

They were not bothered with the fact that only about 7,000 out of 92,000 police personnels were actually involved in combating crimes.

Neither do they care about the setting up of IPCMC or police reforms.

Chew, who lives in gated properties like Aman Suria, has been advocating for gated communities as a "solution".

She even abused her position by asking the PJ police to send patrol cars right into where she's staying, and to patrol "within the gated community"!!!

Two Malaysiakini readers have written letters to the Editor to express their disappointment with Chew. Just wondering whether she would bother to respond to their queries.

Letter 1: Safe in her little enclave M Chang Sep 26, 06 6:05pm

With regard to the article in The Star titled Chew is all for gated communities, I have to say that the MP for Petaling Jaya Utara, Chew Mei Fun, has demonstrated that she is not only oblivious to the real issues of the day, but her opinions are naïve, condescending and insensitive, to say the least.

Is she advocating that we all move to gated communities – which are basically enclaves for the wealthy - just so we can feel safer.

Shouldn't we, as taxpayers, be able to rely on the police to keep our country safe for all Malaysians?

Isn't she just as concerned as the rest of us that her government (I didn't vote for BN) hasn't really got a concrete plan to reduce crime and corruption in this country?

Not only does she not say much in Parliament, she doesn't seem to have a stand in matters that are of concern to the people.

We have hardly heard her opinions on PJ issues, such as the billboard issue, the pest control issue (when it was raging), the increase in assessment rates, etc.

And what, pray tell, YB, is your stand on the IPCMC?

Letter 2: Gated community: How many can afford its lifestyle? YY Sep 27, 06 6:36pm

When member of parliament and Women, Family and Community Development parliamentary secretary Chew Mei Fun, a victim of snatch theft and burglary, openly declared that “I was scared”, many would have identified with her situation.

Here at last was a voice in the government that would be calling for steps to be taken to make the streets and neighbourhood safer for all.

Would she press the government for increased police patrols, for example?

What Chew advocated was, alas, a disappointment. It is true that gated communities and condominiums, being private properties with restricted access, do provide a greater measure of security.

However, such safety comes at a cost. It is not only the private security services that have to be paid for. When street lights don’t work or if potholes appear in the streets inside of the community gates, the bills for repair and maintenance go to the residents. Hence, here is no such thing as a ‘cheap’ gated community that can be well-run.

I have nothing against those who can afford the lifestyle gated communities offer. If they have worked hard to achieve success in life, let them taste the fruit of their labour.

But we have to accept that most Malaysians will not be among this group. There are also the existing non-gated properties, where the overwhelming majority of the population live, to consider.

Will personal safety and security then be available only to those who can afford it? Should not ordinary folk living outside the high walls of exclusive gated communities expect good neighbourhood security to be provided by the police?

Chew can look forward to feeling even safer before long. The up-and-coming parliamentary secretary is only a few steps away from becoming a minister, at which time she would be assigned her own personal bodyguard.

Until the streets are made safer, the rest of us (we, too, are scared) who can afford neither gated communities nor personal bodyguards will just have to take our chances.

笑一笑, 没烦恼!


陈广才来试一试,把头脑往里面一伸。机器说 [ 智商 70 ] , 陈广才很高兴。翁诗傑也把脑袋放到里面。机器说 [ 智商 75 ] 翁诗傑也很高兴。黄XX看见大家这麽高兴, 也来试一试 , 把脑袋往里面一伸。机器说:[ 机器珍贵,要小心使用。。请不要把狗头往里面放啊"。


陈广才又来试一试,机器说 [ 智商 75 ] ,广才大呼[ 长了 5分 ]。翁诗傑见到了,也来试一试 , 机器说 [ 智商 80 ] , 诗傑大喜。黄XX看到了, 心想这次应该没问题了 , 也来试一试 。机器良久不说话"。

正当大家以为机器有问题的时候,机器说, [ 哦。。。!这粒狗头好面熟啊!]连续 2 次让总会长出醜,华商立刻高薪聘请美国专家,使用最新的技术,进行全面升级。

经过300位专家的努力 , 终於推出了升级 3号版。"。

陈广才又来试一试, 机器说 [ 智商 80 ]。广才大叫[ 这次测得更準啊! ]。翁诗傑也来试一试, 机器说 [ 智商 85 ]。诗傑大喊[ 这次真的测得更準呀! ]大家很高兴,马上叫黄XX也来试一试。


[ 咚 咚 咚 咚锵咚锵 咚锵! ] 的锣鼓声,大家吓了一跳。接着,只见机器打出几个大字:

[ 欢迎总会长光临, 多多指教!]

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Lessons for corrupt politicians back home

Thaksin Shinawatra lost his power in a recent coup detat. But what has really triggered his downfall in disgrace?

It's greed and corruption.

Thaksin was already a telecommunication business tycoon before he becomes the numero uno of Thailand.

He should not (and need not) have used his power and position to enrich himself any further.

But he did. And he has done it to a level which the interest of the entire country was at stake.

That has angered the people of Thailand.

The opposition parties capitalised on these sentiments. They have joined forces to boycott Thaksin.

Thaksin might have won the elections but he has lost the faith of many more Thais.

And the King was not happy at all.

There is a need to save Thailand from going to the dogs.

The General must have felt that a coup is what Thailand needed at the moment.

And the General's action seems to go down well with the Thais in general.

Even the rest of the world watched the coup in cool.

The action was, of course, undemocratic.

Because it was not through the ballot box.

We only hope that the soldiers would withdraw as soon as possible and return the power to a new democratically elected government.

There is a nice article in The Nation today. Readers may find some similarities 'terribly similar' between Bangkok and Putrajaya.

I hope our PM and his Cabinet members would also read the article and learn a lesson or two from Thaksin. Happy reading!

Thaksin's Family network

Chulalongkorn professor lectured last year on how he used his power to build up Shin Corp and other family businesses. The Nation.Sep 27, 2006

An extensive study by a Chulalongkorn University economy lecturer gave what could be a complete picture of the extensive business empire of the Shinawatra family.

Phasuk Pongphaichit, the lecturer, gave this lecture on money politics in a seminar held by Economic Politics Centre of Chulalongkorn late last year - before the recent military coup that ousted him.

The new government is investigating into possible corruption and, if found, confiscation of the Thaksin assets.

Her study has found that Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra had created wealth for himself, his relatives and his political affiliates during the past five years by practicing corruption in the policy level.
It includes granting business privileges, reducing taxes and concession fees for his affiliates and getting rid of business rivals as well as trading national interest with their groups' business interest.

They also set up firms to bid and win state projects and use the stock market as tools to increase the values of their firms.

Excerpts of her lecture:

Since Thaksin took office as prime minister in 2001, his government issued several economic policies, which directly benefited listed firms with close connections to the prime minister and Cabinet members.

The policies also benefited and protected businesses of the politicians and their affiliations. Such policies included tax privileges, deduction of concession fees, blocking new business rivals to enter market, and delaying policies, which could affect businesses of the Thaksin network.

Businesses, which are taking part in the operation to eat up the country in all possible means, include businesses belonging to Shinawatra family and relatives, Mahakijsiri family, Jungrungreangkit family, Maleenon family, Chearavanon family, and Asavabhokin family. All of the families are on the top list of richest families in Thailand.

Shin Corp receives a lot of benefits

During the past over five years, the Thaksin government issued several policies and measures to benefit and protect telecom businesses of Shin Corp in several cases:

First, the issuance of excise decree on telecom businesses was a tool to protect the businesses of Advanced Info Services and other firms in the same type of businesses from competitions. That is, the decree requires new operators to pay the excise taxes in full while current telecom operators can deduct their concession fees from the amount of excise taxes they have to pay. The question is which law the government invoked to exempt the current telecom operators from having to pay excise taxes in full.

Second, the government allowed AIS to deduce the expenses of roaming services before sharing its revenue with the state. This allowed AIS to share less revenue with the state. AIS was also benefited from the amendment of its contract with the TOT Plc by allowing AIS to pay only 20 per cent of its revenue from prepaid phone services instead of 25 per cent to TOT. All of these caused the state to lose its revenue by over Bt1.6 billion. AIS also benefited from the reduction of import tariff on mobile phones from 10 per cent to 0 per cent. The government cited regulations of the World Trade Organisation to provide the tax reduction. Moreover, the government amended its regulations to allow permanent officials from C8 to C11 to reimburse their phone expenses up to Bt4,000 a month, compared with Bt1,000 in the past. There are about 40,000 officials who enjoy the benefit.

Third, the exemption of Shin Satellite from paying taxes on its revenue worth Bt16.349 billion generated from its foreign customers of its IP Star satellite was unjustifiable. This is because the exemption did not lead to any investment in Thailand and Thai people did not receive any benefit. Only the foreign customers and shareholders of Shin Satellite received the benefits.

Fourth, the government transferred the business risks of Shin Satellite from the firm to the Finance Ministry by having the Export-Import Bank of Thailand grant a 12-year-term soft loan of Bt4 billion to the Burmese government. The loan was used by the Burmese Post and Telecom Ministry of Burma to buy telecom equipment to link with IP Star to use the satellite's services to provide mobile phone and broadband Internet services. The government had the Finance Ministry guarantee the loan of the Ex-im Bank, instead of Shin Satellite.

Fifth, the Thaksin government tried to protect its telecom businesses by not opening up the telecom industry in the country. Instead, it opened up other sectors in exchange for liberalization of services which would benefit businesses of government politicians. An example could be seen in the free trade agreement between Thailand and Australia. The Thaksin government opened up the cattle indusry in Thailand in exchange for telecom and auto spare parts industries in Australia. This allowed Shin Satellite and businesses of the Jungrungreangkit family to benefit at the harship of Thai cattle farmers.IP Star will also benefit from FTA agreements with India and China. Analysts of the Stock Exchange of Thailand said Shin Satellite's revenues would tremendously increase once India and China use transponders of IP Star. It was expected that IP Star's service fees from the two countries would be worth about Bt15 billion.

Sixth, the government helped Tele Info Media, which changed name from Shinawatra Directories, to increase its business chances from phone number inquiry services by exempting from contract's requirement to print White Pages phone books.

Seventh, the Thaksin government helped AIS and Shin Satellite by failing to enact a competition act to prevent monopoly and regulate merger.

Eighth, after Shin Corp held stakes in iTV, the television was allowed to pay much less concession fee or only Bt150 million per year for 20 years. This caused the sate to lose its revenue for Bt17.43 billion. The government also allowed iTV to change its programme content to have more entertainment programmes than news and documentary programmes, and thus allowing it to have more income from commercial advertisement.

Ninth, the government's open sky policy allowed Shin Corp to invest in Air Asia, which is a low-cost airline. The government allowed Air Asia to open new domestic and international routes in overlapping of the routes o Thai Airways International. This allowed Air Asia to see income growth worth Bt3 billion at the end of 2005, compared with the shrinking income of THAI. THAI reduced its domestic and international flights and cancelled some of its route although the routes were profitable for the airline, amid allegations that it was forced by the government to make way for Air Asia.

Tenth, the government launched real estate development projects to benefit daughter companies of Shin Corp. For example, the Bangkok Boulevard project of SC Assets Plc on Ram Intra-Ring Road-Navamin roads benefited from the a Cabinet resolution on July 4 2003 to cut a new road from Ratchadapisek to Ram Intra at the kilometre marker No 4.5 The new road immediately increased the value of the plot of SC Assets, turning it from a plot with no access to a golden plot.--

It is known that Pojaman Shinawatra, the wife of Thaksin, likes to buy up land. Moreover, she managed to buy land at cheap prices. For example, she bought a 33-rai plot opposite from the Korean embassy near Thailand's Cultural Centre from the Thai Assets Management Corporation at the price 50 cheaper than its market price.

This caused the state to lose Bt715 million from what it should have received for the land price. The plot was sold at the price Bt700 million lower than the price offered in the first round of bidding and the government did not received land transfer fee worth Bt15 million.

She also owns Alpine Golf Course worth Bt747million, which Thaksin bought at very low price amid allegations that he cheated a temple out of the plot.

Moreover, Shin Corp also expanded its business to personal finance business by setting the Capital OK and providing personal loans. The firm uses customer database of AIS and obtains fund from DBS Singapore.

Thaksin's son, Panthongtae Shinawatra, also set up an advertisement agency to take up a Bt90 million-worth concession in the compound of subway system.

Members of Shinawatra-Wongsawat families expand businesses to take all

Thaksin's close relative, who became rich overnight, included his sister, Yaowapha Wongsawat. She set up M Link or M Link Asian Corporation Plc, which is a main business of her family. The firm generated annual revenue worth several billions of baht for the Wongsawat family.

M Link has expanded its businesses by buying stakes in several firms, and thus allowing the Wongsawat family to expand its business empire to other businesses on top of mobile phone selling business. Key firms, whose major shares had been bought by the Wongsawat family, are companies which compete for government projects.

Cut for brevity. For full report visit:

Nazri, the ball is now in your court.

In the forum organised by DAP two weeks ago, Nazri has siad that he was not convinced that there were sufficient reasons to review the 1988 judiaciary crisis and he wanted new evidence before he could raise the issue in the Cabinet.

And now Tun Salleh Abbas has answered Nazri Aziz with his 5-point letter...

[Malaysia Today] [News & Commentaries] Salleh pleads his case

Former Lord President Tun Salleh Abas today (Sept 26, 2006) responded to a Cabinet Minister's recent call for new and important facts to emerge to justify a review of the 1988 judicial crisis.

In a five-page statement, Salleh rebutted Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz's argument for not agreeing to a review, and touched on five incidents which should trigger a review.

Nazri's argument: That he did not agree to the review because the decision of the two tribunals which decided on Salleh and his five colleagues were accepted by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the government in 1988.

Salleh's rebuttal: According to the Federal Constitution, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong as a constitutional monarch is not even allowed to refuse advice tendered by the Cabinet or the Prime Minister. No emphasis need be placed on such an acceptance.

The five incidents that Salleh referred to in his statement have been touched on or discussed in his 1990 book 'May Day for Justice'. Since he never appeared before the tribunal that tried him, they are in effect "new facts".

The incidents are:

His short meeting with then Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr (now Tun) Mahathir Mohamad on May 27, 1988, when he was asked to step down for being biased in the discharge of his judicial duties;

A visit on the same day by a very important officer of the government who offered an appointment to a lucrative post in an Islamic bank in Jeddah if he resigned;

On June 24 1988, a month after his suspension as Lord President, he was summoned to an audience with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong where he was to ask for forgiveness for a letter he wrote to him regarding the judiciary and the executive. That mission failed because of the intervention of two senior government officers;

The suspension of his colleagues with the eventual dismissal of two of them. This was engineered for the purpose of thwarting them from hearing Salleh's judicial review application challenging the legality and constitutionality of his suspension and the composition of the tribunal to deal with his dismissal; and

The government's action to deprive the Rulers of their immunities.

Salleh referred to a discussion he had with the Sultan of Johor who was the Yang di-Pertuan Agong at the time of his dismissal.

Read on for more:

Former Lord President Tun Salleh Abas today responded to Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz's statement regarding a proposal to review the 1988 Judicial Crisis.

Salleh thanked Nazri for agreeing to the review of that dark day in judicial history if "new and important facts" emerge.He said Nazri has also not agreed to the review because the decision of the two tribunals - the first tribunal which decided on Salleh and the second tribunal which decided on his five other colleagues - were accepted by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Government in 1988.

Salleh said Nazri seems to place great reliance on the fact that acceptance of the recommendations by both tribunals were also accepted by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

He said according to Article 40(1) of the Federal Constitution, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong as a Constitutional Monarch must act "in accordance with the advice of the Cabinet or a Minister acting under the general authority of the Cabinet, except as provided by this Constitution."

"Thus, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is not even allowed to refuse advice tendered by the Cabinet or the Prime Minister."

This is further provided in Article 66(4)(a) where the Yang di-Pertuan Agong cannot refuse to assent to a bill passed by Parliament. He is given three months within which to assent to the bill. If he fails to do so, the government is free to gazette the bill into law."

The history of this country has shown that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong has never acted against the wishes of the Prime Minister or the Cabinet including on the issue of depriving the Rulers of their own immunity."There is therefore no way for the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to refuse consent to accept to the recommendations of the two tribunals when they were submitted to His Majesty."

The government's action to deprive the Rulers of their immunities.

"In my view, no emphasis need therefore be placed on the acceptance of the recommendations of the two Tribunals by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, since in the light of the constitutional provisions and practice, His Majesty's powers have become, with respects, almost procedural and reflect the wishes of His Majesty's Government, even if the Prime Minister of the day is dictatorial."

Salleh said as for the call for "new and important facts" to trigger a review, these should be presented to a tribunal or commission charged to investigate the matter, should the government decide to do so.He said since Nazri has placed this as a condition for agreeing to a review, he has decided to touch on five incidents only in general terms.

FIRST INCIDENT:The first incident relates to my meeting with the then Prime Minister in his office on Friday 27th May 1988 in the presence of the then Deputy Prime Minister and the then Chief Secretary to the Government. I was asked by the then Prime Minister to step down because I was accused of being biased in the discharge of my judicial duties. My understanding of this accusation was that it must have been connected with the impending Umno 11 case when I decided to establish a nine-member panel of the Supreme Court to hear the appeal. I strongly denied the accusation and told him that I was not prepared to resign. Then he threatened to dismiss me by instituting a tribunal under the Constitution. I told him I was prepared to be dismissed rather than leave the judicial office under a cloud. This was a very short meeting and after I had left the Prime Minister's office and returned to my chambers, I immediately wrote by way of an aide memoir a note of what had transpired during that meeting. That note coincidentally appears in the latest issue of Aliran.

SECOND INCIDENT:The second incident relates to the visit to me on the same day of a messenger who was a very important officer of the Government. He came with the idea of persuading me to resign or go on long leave and at the same time threatening me with dismissal should I choose not to. Were I to resign, I would be appointed to a lucrative job in Jeddah as a director of Islamic Bank with a high salary I could never have dreamed of, coupled with an unlimited amount of entertainment allowances and travelling expenses. The officer said he had been authorised to pass this message to me by a very important Minister. When I told him I could not accept the offer, I was then threatened with dismissal and the ignominy of having to face a tribunal. My answer to the messenger was the same as I had given to the Prime Minister earlier on in the day."

THIRD INCIDENT:The third incident took place on 24th June 1988, almost a month after my suspension as Lord President when two benevolent messengers arrived at my home to tell me that some Malay Rulers then gathered at Istana Kelantan at Jalan Kia Peng and wanted to see me. Post haste, I made my appearance before Their Royal Highnesses. I was informed that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (HRH the Sultan of Johor) had just left the meeting. Taking the lead upon my appearance was HRH the then Raja of Perlis and also present were the other Malay Rulers or their representatives. (The Sultans of Kedah and Selangor were away abroad and the Sultan of Pahang was unable to attend on account of the serious illness of his then Consort who in fact passed away the following day). I was informed by HRH the late Raja of Perlis that agreement was reached between the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Rulers then present that should I tender my apologies to and ask forgiveness from the Yang di-Pertuan Agong for writing my impugned letter to His Majesty at His Majesty\'s Istana Bukit Serene in Johor Baru, my suspension would be lifted and the matter would end there. I was to travel to Istana Bukit Serene with my chief counsel, Yang Mulia Raja Aziz Addruse. Since we could not get seats on the plane, I decided to travel to Johor Baru by car whilst Yang Mulia Raja Aziz chartered a private aircraft for that purpose. Upon my arrival in Johor Baru, I was admitted into the Istana but Yang Mulia Raja Aziz, despite all the trouble he took to charter the plane, could get only as far as the gates of the Istana as he was prevented from entering the palace. At the Istana, contrary to my expectation, my mission was a failure because the Yang di-Pertuan Agong had earlier been briefed by two very senior government officers from Kuala Lumpur not to forgive me for the wrong I had committed.

FOURTH INCIDENT:The fourth incident relates to the suspension of my colleagues with the eventual dismissal of two of them. The suspension was engineered for the purpose of thwarting them from hearing my judicial review application challenging the legality and constitutionality of my suspension and the composition of the tribunal to deal with my dismissal. A particular High Court judge who was reluctant to hear my application feigned illness on the day fixed for hearing. His replacement did his utmost to delay hearing my application and when he finally did so, my application was dismissed. I appealed to the Supreme Court and succeeded. An Order of the Court must always be sealed before it is served on the respondent. The Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court was the keeper of its seal but when I succeeded in my appeal, the seal could not be found as it was purposely hidden. However, after a search by the late Tan Sri Wan Suleiman, the seal was discovered. The sealed copy of the Order had then to be served on the respondent tribunal which was located at Parliament House. But when my counsel Raja Aziz Addruse attempted to effect service of the Order on the respondent, he found that the authorities had ordered the Parliament gates closed. However at the request by the late Tan Sri Wan Suleiman for assistance from the office of the IGP (Inspector-General of Police), the gates were opened and the Order was served. Despite receipt of the Order, the Tribunal proceeded with its deliberation. The end result of this incident was that upon my refusal to recognise the composition of the Tribunal, especially with regards to the appointment of its chairman on grounds of a serious breach of natural justice, I was, in my absence, adjudged guilty and subsequently dismissed. The five Supreme Court judges which allowed my application were themselves suspended. Another Tribunal was established to try them and two of these valiant judges, namely the late Tan Sri Wan Suleiman and Datuk George Seah were dismissed. The other three, namely the Tan Sri Eusoffee Abdoolcader, Tan Sri Azmi Kamaruddin and Tan Sri Wan Hamzah were reinstated. If the Supreme Court Order were obeyed, my reinstatement would have automatically followed and this would have been unacceptable not only to the government of the day but also to those who would benefit from my dismissal. Thus my five colleagues were innocently suspended with all the consequences that have adversely affected them and their families until this day."

FIFTH INCIDENT:The fifth incident relates to the government's action to deprive the Rulers of their immunities. The late Tun Suffian and I acted as advisors to the Rulers. By then, the Sultan of Johor was no longer the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and His Royal Highness was very concerned about the government's intention. This was my first audience with His Royal Highness after my dismissal. HRH said to me in no uncertain terms that he very much regretted what had happened to me as he said he then realised that he had been "made use of." I told HRH that there was no need to feel sorry for me personally but he should express his regrets and apology to the people of this country for losing a Judiciary that was independent and could look after their rights. I was later summoned again by HRH to Istana Bukit Serene for advice after HRH learned that a bill had already been introduced in Parliament to disband the Johor Military Force (JMF). My advice to HRH was that the JMF, which was established long before the Malay Regiment, was and is part of the privileges of the Sultan of Johor and, without the consent of His Royal Highness, such privileges could not legally be withdrawn. My opinion was confirmed by Mr Neil Lawson, Q.C., the legal adviser to the Malay Rulers during the negotiation for Merdeka. There was no doubt that HRH was very pleased with my effort over HRH's then predicament and, in appreciation thereof, offered to make a public apology in Johor Baru over HRH's role in my dismissal. The Johor Palace then began to put in place arrangements for the occasion but, once again, mightier hands from Kuala Lumpur managed to persuade HRH from keeping to his pledge.The above are some of the new facts which I hope could persuade Nazri to change his mind. These incidents undeniably go to show that come what may, I must be made to give up my judicial office. There would of course be other incidents and other details which would emerge if the review is held but for the time being, I shall keep the identity of those unnamed persons in this statement concealed. As regards responses from the other two judges who were also dismissed, Tan Sri Wan Suleiman is no longer with us. His widow, has nevertheless, supported the call for a review. But the speech made by the late Tun Suffian (Hashim) during a special reference organised by the Malaysian Bar in Tan Sri Wan Suleiman's memory and honour should give an indication on the role played by my late colleague during the crisis which, in the learned Tun Suffian's opinion, certainly did not deserve his dismissal. Datuk George Seah is currently unwell to make any contribution to Nazri's call for "new facts" but the series of articles on the crisis written by him not so long ago continue to appear in the websites of both the Malaysian Bar and Aliran. Knowing the character of the late Tan Sri Eusoffee Abdoolcader, I am sure that he too would support a review. Tan Sri Azmi Kamaruddin has already come out publicly for a review. I believe Tan Sri Wan Hamzah is also of this view.

For these reasons, I hope Nazri will present the proposal to the Cabinet for a review of the 1988 Judicial Crisis so that the truth of this important episode in our nation's history is uncovered. --

Posted by Raja Petra Kamarudin to News & Commentaries at 9/26/2006 10:07:00 PM

Malaysia Today

That's Samy Vellu for you!

In my media statement yesterday, I liberally predicted that Samy Vellu would not apologise for his mistakes (he madea false claim that 21 Tamil schools were built over the last 5 years) and he would argue that "new school buildings were as good as or equavalent to new schools".

True enough! In his rebuttal to Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang, he actually said that "when we rebuild, they become new schools"! Hahaha...

Anyway, do you still remember what he said prior to the Lunas by-election? He said that he will not return to Kuala Lumpur if Barisan Nasional loses its seat in Lunas, Kedah. When the opposition managed to block some 20 buses of phantom voters on the polling day and eventually wrested the seat from MIC, he just pretended that he has never said such a thing.

Shame on you, Samy Vellu!

Here's an extract from a Malaysiakini report...

Rebuilt schools are new schools

Reacting to this today, Samy Vellu said that Lim was just trying to harp on the issue unnecessarily.

“He (Lim) is trying to poke to get more information he could harp on unnecessarily. Why should I give him the list of new schools ... let him go find it himself,” said Samy Vellu.

Samy Vellu also rejected claims that the 21 schools were not newly built. “There are new schools. When people relocate, we have to build a new school. Although it is replacing an older school, it is still a new school.

“We have more than 500 Tamil schools in the country and out of these more than 100 schools need to be rebuilt. When we rebuild, they become new schools,” he said.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Shame on you, Samy Vellu!

An education ministry official who has chosen to remain anonymous has told The China Press yesterday (Monday, September 25, 2006) that the claim made by the MIC President was incorrect.

In fact, not even a single Tamil school was built under the 8th Malaysia Plan and it is very unlikely that any new Tamil school will be built under the 9th Malaysia Plan.

The official also explained that the so-called new schools were merely new school buildings constructed within the existing Tamil schools.

Samy Vellu has earlier “proudly” announced that a total of 21 new Tamil schools were built over the last five years and he is now asking for another 14 new ones to be built over the next 5 years.

Samy’s statement also “stunned” the MCA leaders because they were unable to persuade the Barisan Nasional Government to build any new schools except for moving or replacing those schools that were shut down because of poor or no intake. To MCA, one Chinese school must ‘die’ before a new one could be built.

Samy has made this announcement in response to Nor Omar, the deputy Education Minister who disclosed that none of the 180 new schools being planned under the 9MP were Tamil or Chinese one.

(Incidentally, Nor Omar’s announcement has ironically testified the claim made by Minister Mentor of Singapore, that the Chinese in Malaysia were marginalized systematically by the Government).

Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang has since challenged Samy to prove his claim as Lim was very sure that there was no truth in his announcement.

Lim has even publicly stated that he is prepared to say sorry to Samy if Samy could prove his claim.

Now that Samy was caught lying, would he be bold enough to admit his mistake and apologize to the Indian community in particular and to the Malaysian public in general?

Knowing Samy’s character, he would rather argue that new school buildings are as good as or equivalent to new schools!?

On the other hand, the Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang has decided to register a protest by moving an unprecedented motion in the coming Parliamentary session in November 2006 to cut the pay of the Education Minister, his two deputies and also the Parliamentary Secretary by RM10.

Lim has also decided to hold a roundtable in the Parliament in early October to discuss the matter. He calls on the civil society throughout the country, associations, educational bodies or school boards, to come forward to make their voices heard.

DAP MP for Bukit Mertajam, Chong Eng, who is the DAP parliamentary spokesperson on education, will be the coordinator for this Parliamentary Roundtable.

Lim hopes that all political parties, in particular MPs and leaders from MCA, Gerakan, MIC and SUPP, as well as Umno, will participate fully in the roundtable.

Anyone who is interested in participating in the Parliamentary Roundtable can also contact Chong Eng.

(Media statement by Ronnie Liu Tian Khiew, DAP CEC member and NGO Bureau Chief on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 in Petaling Jaya )

Monday, September 25, 2006

Happy Ramadan to all my Muslim friends!

Ramadan, the month of fasting for Muslims all over the world, has just begun yesterday.

I wish all my Muslim freinds a happy and meaningful Ramadan.

It has has been said that all religions is one.

A good friend of mine, who is a Buddhist for some years now, opines that "A good Muslim is at the same time a good Christian/Buddhist/Hindu/ Sikh/Jew/Taoist...". And I agree with him.

In a multireligious society like ours, we must learn to respect all other religions practised and followed by our brothers and sisters of other faiths.

No one (including the politicians) should make use of religion for selfish gain or to serve his or her personal agenda.

And freedom of religion must include the freedom to join and the freedom to leave any religion. Merely leaving a religion must not be construed as a traitor of that religion.

Salam sejahtera!

Chong King Liong-A Man of Action


中国报CHINA PRESS (吉隆坡24日訊)









此外,陳丹生表示,邱祥熾贊美張先生是“A man of action,意即行動的巨人”,他雖不善于出點子,但一有良好建議,必坐言起行,以祇于成。這與他推崇“知行合一”孫文學說的思想不謀而合。


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Kuan Yew is correct to say that Chinese were marginalized in Malaysia


CHINA PRESS (吉隆坡23日訊)










Zaid Ibrahim-the maverick in UMNO

In my mind, Kota Bharu MP Zaid Ibrahim is a maverick in UMNO. He was suspended as the division chief of UMNO Kota Bharu for an allegation he denied vehemently.

He first caught my attention when he took part in a roundtable organised by the Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang on the issue of freedom of religion immediately after the Moorthy "body snatch" tragedy.

He impressed me further when he took the challenge to speak in a forum on the same issue organised by Article 11 in Petaling Jaya. He spoke freely as a good Muslim in the forum, drawing much appreciation from the attentive crowd.

And recently, he spoke in the Parliament without fear on the need of political reform in the country, expressing his great disappointment with the Abdullah administration. He even warned the BN Government of the consequences of failing the rakyat.

He was interviewed by NST and here's the full story...

‘I speak because I believe in his vision’

New Straits Times

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim raised eyebrows recently when he stood in Parliament and said that the government’s reform agenda had slowed to a halt. KOH LAY CHIN speaks to him about his provocative view while Tangga Batu MP Datuk Idris Haron tells her why patience is a virtue.

Q: You have said publicly that the prime minister has yet to make real reforms. What do you mean?

A: The prime minister put forth a historic and paradigm moving manifesto in the 2004 elections. He promised difficult but urgently needed reforms in the government and judiciary. He promised to fight against corruption, restoring integrity in the government, transparency and accountability.He spoke the language of change the people had waited for so long. And he got the biggest mandate from the people to govern.

When I said he failed to push reforms, I was saying that he had failed to get his ministers, the Chief Ministers and the civil servants with him on these issues. That’s why I said in Parliament that he must be prepared to do radical things, including getting the right people to perform the tasks.

Q: It would seem that for you it’s more of a problem of the PM’s "executioners" or his "team".

A: The prime minister is only as good as the Cabinet he assembles. It’s quite common for the PM in other jurisdictions to reshuffle and change his Cabinet whenever he feels necessary for executing policies the government has undertaken.I get the impression that the reason our Cabinet is so large was because the PM wants to be nice to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad by retaining those appointed by Dr Mahathir.Did it appease Dr Mahathir? Not at all. Being nice in this way is not necessarily a good thing. Would Pak Lah cause political instability if he were to undertake radical Cabinet change? Not at all.

Q: In your speech in Parliament, you commented on the openness in the system under the PM.

A: In my speech, I said the openness that we have in our society today is entirely due to Pak Lah’s sense of trust and tolerance, a much desired trait in our leader.But openness must have purpose and if not managed properly will only fester discontent.

Openness in the government means we must be prepared to amend the Official Secrets Act so that people will not use the Act to hide acts of corruption or incompetence.

Openness means all contracts must be by open tender save for certain legitimate exceptions and not the other way around.

Openness means sensitive matters are dealt with intelligently and objectively and not to resort to the closed-door bargaining style of the past.

The prime minister cannot do all these alone, he needs a team. As to my suggestion for the undoing of the Dr Mahathir years, I did not mean to suggest that Dr Mahathir did nothing good. In fact he built Malaysia as a modern state with all the infrastructure and facilities.

The undoing of Mahathirism is the doing away with authoritarianism, with lack of accountability and the absence of the rule of law.

I believe the country will be better placed for the 21st century if the policies of human capital development, of transparency and accountability under the present PM are implemented. More so if the judiciary is fully empowered, and Parliament becomes a chamber fully accessible for the rakyat to see, watch and learn.

Q: Before Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi took over from Dr Mahathir, you said in an interview that you felt "reassured" because the person who was about to lead the country was a profound thinker and thought things through.

A: In an interview three years ago I said that I believed Pak Lah is man of integrity, and will be considerate in his dealings on all matters. Have I changed my mind about him? No. I want him to succeed for the sake of all. There are delicate issues that we face as a nation and we need a leader who is fair and considerate to all, which he is."

Am I disappointed with his leadership so far? Yes, maybe I was expecting too much but then again I don’t know what his constraints are. Still he himself said that failure is not an option, which suggests that he will fight.

Q: While other politicians have tread on these issues rather delicately, you are seen to have come out with guns blazing.

A: Was I not as discreet as others in my criticisms of the PM? I am a discreet person, but in matters of public interest you have to be open and forthright. It’s also because I want the prime minister to succeed. If not for him I would not be an MP today as I was not the first choice candidate for Kota Baru. But that will not deter me from telling him what I think is good for the country and his administration.

If you believe in the PM’s vision of integrity, of fairness and prosperity for all then you must help to realise his reforms, even if it means having to criticise him.

--Posted by Raja Petra Kamarudin to News & Commentaries at 9/24/2006 10:59:00

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Alleged funding for UM campus election:DAP wants police to investigate MB Selangor


■日期/Sep 23, 2006 ■时间/03:16:15 pm


(PIX: Lau Weng San, Chairman of PJ DAP Action Team;Batumalai ,Selangor DAP Committee member;Francis Chang, Sg Way Subang DAP branch chairman; and Ronnie Liu, Advisor to PJ DAP Action Team)

【本刊实习记者周小芳撰述】雪州行动党宣传秘书刘永山要求警方介入调查雪州州务大臣莫哈末吉尔(Mohd Khir Toyo)涉嫌动用公款赞助“亲校方”阵线学生入住高级酒店事件。

刘永山说:“作为马来西亚公民,任何人都有责任向警方报案,不然,整件事情就会不了了之。” 他在八打灵再也警察总部报案时如此表示。


据《当今大马》在9月21日的报道,42名马来亚大学“亲校方”阵线候选人在上周入住八打灵再也的四星级皇冠酒店(Crystal Crown)一晚,并在酒店的餐厅用餐,以作为参选的奖赏。但是,这笔超过5千元的帐单却由雪兰莪州务大臣莫哈末吉尔的办公室支付,换言之,就是使用纳税人的金钱支付。





刘天球也说,他们并没有干涉和影响学生,只是在学生受到打压时才会声援,他认为,声援学生是很自然和公平的事, 也是理所当然的。




此外,马大校方在上周二至周三于吉隆坡珍珠国际酒店(Pearl International Hotel)举办一场名为“创业工作营”的活动,出席者都是即将参与校园竞选的“亲校方”阵线准候选人。这些准候选人在该酒店住宿一晚。


DAP PJ Action Team brought urban pioneers problems to MBPJ


SINCHEW-updated:2006-09-23 11:13:49 MYT















Are Chinese being marginalized in Malaysia?

Last Friday, Singapore Mentor Minister Lee Kuan Yew has commented that Chinese in Malaysia (and also Indonesia) were being marginalized systematically.

Lee must have said this to serve his party's agenda, i.e. to influence Singaporean Chinese to support PAP so that his party could continue to rule Singapore. But I'm afraid what he has said was not very far from the truth in Malaysia.

Gerakan's outgoing chief Lim Keng Yaik and his heir apparent Koh Tsu Koon have no credibility to tell Kuan Yew off as their party, Gerakan, is being marginalised by their own partners in the Barisan Nasional coalition, i.e.UMNO and MCA.

Keng Yaik should know more than anybody else that how Chinese and other non-Malays were being marginalized in this country.

As a long-serving minister, I believe he knows exactly how the non-Malays were being discriminated and marginalized under the New Economic Policy(NEP). And looks like the non-Malays will be haunted by the NEP for many more years to come if people like Khairy Jamaluddin and Hishamuddin Hussein continue to have their say.

Keng Yaik should know how the Chinese schools were being marginalized in this country.If UMNO continues to push for the 2-4-3 formula and finally decided to hold examinations only in English for Maths and Science come 2008, that will be the end-of-the-road for Chinese schools in Malaysia.

He should also know that the cultures of the non-Malays were not even considered as part of the national culture. He should still remember how Lion Dance was almost forced to change to Tiger Dance, and how Chinese signboards were almost forced to be taken down without any justification.

Keng Yaik should not forget that until today, non of the non-Malays have made it to the top in the police force, armed forces and public universities. Do you mean we could not find a single non-Malay who was qualified for the top job?

He should still remember that we used to have a Chinese Governor in Melaka, and non-Malays were used to be given the opportunity to lead some important ministries, such as the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Trade and Industry. Not anymore. We do not even have a single Chinese DO (District Officer) in the entire country.

Keng Yaik could not agree with Kuan Yew probably because he felt ashamed for not being able to saveguard the interest of the non-Malays in this country as a minister. He probably realised that by admitting that the Chinese in Malaysia were being marginalized would not be a good reflection on him.

I may even argue that even the Malays were being marginalized in this country under the rule of Barisan Nasional Government. Only UMNO-putras, MCA taikos and MIC warlords stand to benefit with their special political connections. They run the country as if they own the whole country, and the rest of poor Malaysians were being marginalized by them for the past half a century.

I like to quote the statement made by DongJiaoZong yesterday to illustrate how Chinese schools/ Chinese were being marginalized...

"188 years to build 134 schools

From 1970 to 2006, it is estimated that the country saw an increase of 2,900 national schools.

During the same period, a total of 193 vernacular schools - 58 Chinese schools and 134 Tamil schools - closed down.

According to DJZ, there is a demand for 134 Chinese schools nationwide at present.

“If the government only builds five or so Chinese schools every four years once when an election comes, then it will take 188 years, or 47 elections, before the 134 schools will be completed.

“But by then, the population will increase and more schools would be needed,” said the movement. "

Friday, September 22, 2006

My first impression of the new Mayor of MBPJ

I have met the new Mayor of MBPJ for the first time this morning together with Lau Weng San ( PJ Action Team chairman) and Thomas Goh (Treasurer) at his office. He has kept the tradition of seeing resdients of Petaling Jaya on every Friday.

He appears friendly and warm with the DAP PJ delegation and nice to all the villagers who came along with us.

He listens to our complaints and suggestions carefully and in fact promises to resolve the mess created by the local MCA elected reps within a month.

In the meeting, we have brought to his attention about the mishandling of squatters problems on the part of MCA elected reps and the flaws and weaknesses of the Zero Squatter Policy in general, and a number of specific issues, namely:

1. Insufficient low-cost units for villagers from Kg Damansara Dalam, Kg Cempaka and Kg Micheal Chen (of Sg Way).
2. Status of housing alternatives for second,third and fourth families, especially for Kg Cempaka (about 40 families) and Kg Micheal Chen, Sg way.
2.Investigation into units taken by outsiders (Kg Damansara Dalam, where several police reports were made by some villagers two months ago)
3. Abandoned Balairaya project in Kg Tunku ( initaited by Dr Wong Sai Hau, SA of Kg Tunku).
4.Abandoned Service Centre building related to Dr Wong Sai Hau ( right in front of Paramount LRT station).

PRO Zainun Zakaria was also in the meeting.



真要“感谢” 副教育部长诺奥马坦白公告,在第九大马计划下兴建的180间学校,无一间是华小或淡小!



我有幸认识张老,由于他领导的雪兰莪中华大会堂推动“精英文化义演” 全国巡回演出,得到我服务的广告社客户健力士公司的大力赞助,使我有机会参与其盛,略尽棉力。

纪念张老的最好方法,莫如继承他的遗志,在华教和文化事业上“有一分热,发一分光” !





隆雪华堂Sep 20, 06 2:57pm


张景良(1933-2006)出生于1933年,祖籍广东新会。他在吉兰丹接受华小教育,在槟城钟灵中学毕业,1962年毕业于国立台湾大学电机工程系,先后获得马来西亚、新加坡、英国以及美国 工程师协会会员的专业资格。










1. 追思会正式开始,介绍联办单位代表及嘉宾
2. 全体默哀三分钟
3. 张景良生平事迹电脑投影片介绍
4. 宣读追悼文
5. 联办团体及友好团体献花
6. 联办单位代表致词
7. 友好致词
8. 张景良遗孀献花
9. 家属代表致词
10. 公众献花
11. 追悼会结束/自助午餐



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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Denial the best answer of MCA leaders like Chew

In a Malaysiakini report today, PJ Utara MP Chew Mei Fun has denied that she and her colleagues have actually said that they have "90%" gotten the 'nga lan' (land titles) for the people living in Kg Micheal Chen, Sg Way in the thick of 2004 general election campaigns.

Chew's response was expected as denial is always the best weapon MCA leaders like Chew could use when they were finally proven wrong or exposed. They will never admit their mistakes even if you throw their own letter and the newspaper cuttings (filled with what they have said or promised) to them.

And they would never answer your questions directly because avoiding difficult questions is the best option to them.

But what can the Sg Way people do now that their homes were destroyed?

Some of them turned out in force to join the Barisan Nasional/ MCA procession on the nomination day of last election with a big banner with supportive messages for Chew. Would they turn around to teach Chew a lesson in the coming elections now that they felt cheated by her?

Lim Bee Choon said he would certainly do that. He hopes other victimised residents could do the same. Lim's family spent a lot of money to renovate their two-storeyed house here when they were convinced that the MCA reps were genuine and sincere in obtaining the necessary land title for them.

Another victim Tee Chai Huat blames Chew for misleading the residents. " If she cannot get the titles for us, the least she could do was to get straight and focused on getting the rightful compensation for us." he added.

Here's the report from Andrew Ong of Malaysiakini...

Villagers accuse MCA reps of breaking promise

Andrew OngSep 20, 06 6:57pm

MCA leaders broke their promise! This is what several evicted residents of Kampung Michael Cheng in Petaling Jaya claim.

According to them, two MCA elected representatives had promised them land grants but this never materialised.

Demolition works carried out by the Petaling Jaya City Council (MPBJ) since Aug 31 has reduced the 141 brick-and-mortar single-story terrace houses to rubble.

However, Petaling Jaya Utara MP Chew Mei Fun denied that she had promised them the grants prior to the 2004 general election.

The MCA leader claimed that opposition party DAP was exploiting the issue and taking advantage of the residents. “What I promised is that I will try my best to obtain the grants for them. I have tried and delivered whatever I can,” she said when contacted.

The residents’ ordeal started in the 1970's when they were urged to move to the village located in Seri Setia during the communist insurgency. Most of them agreed when told they would receive grants to the land. Since 2002, there have been repeated threats to demolish their houses as the villagers were deemed as squatters, despite a majority of them being legitimate ratepayers.

Appeal letter

This morning, former residents Lim Bee Choon and Tee Chai Huat showed reporters their recent utility bills, assessment receipts and news clippings during a press conference organised by the DAP PJ Action Team (PAT).

Their point of contention was a letter carrying the signatures of Chew and Kg Tunku assemblyperson Wong Sai Hou distributed during the politicians’ door-to-door election campaign in the area.

The appeal letter urged Selangor Menteri Besar Dr Mohd Khir Toyo to expedite the grants. The letter also bore Khir’s signature with a short note from the menteri besar calling on the district officer to ‘consider’ the appeal. Mohd Khir’s note was dated March 14, 2004 - one week before the general election.

During election time, Lim and Tee said villagers were assured that their grants were ‘almost ready’ and that the letter was the proof. “We were told (by several MCA representatives) that we cannot seek help from the opposition and maintain a ‘low-profile’ in handling the matter,” said Lim.

False hope

Meanwhile, PAT advisor Ronnie Liu lambasted MCA elected representatives for making empty promises and giving the residents false hope. He said the representatives should admit their mistake and apologise.

In defence, Chew said MCA had tried its best to obtain the grants but they could not supercede the state government’s decision to develop the land. “As far as we are concerned, the villagers are well taken care of,” she added.

There was also an allegation that some evicted residents were allowed to only buy one low-cost flat unit when their house in Kampung Michael Chen housed more than one family. Commenting on this, Chew said: “My door is always open. If there are still problems they can come see me.”

The residents are currently housed in transit homes in Kota Damansara and Lembah Subang. They have been offered low-cost flat units which will be built on the site of their former houses.

To the MCA, the meaning of 'Nga Lan' is ' rotten teeth'

"Chew Mei Fun, where is my 'Nga Lan' ? "
This senior folk (pix on the top ) turned to his demolished home on Sg way Road 4, also known as Kg Micheal Chen or Huo Jie Xian (High Tension Wire Zone) , after asking this question which YB Chew has been avoiding these days.

He brought the reporters and DAP PJ Action Team members to his broken home for one ' last look'. The poor man has been living here for almost half a decade. He regreted for trusting the MCA. He said the residents here should not have turned the DAP away when the party has came to offer help. It's all too late now.

Loh Chee Ming (pix at the bottom) ,42, also lost his home on this Merdeka Day without any compensation. He too has trusted Chew to help. But now, he was being kicked around by MCA and MPPJ (now MBPJ) officers like a "human ball". He has not received the letter of offer for a low-cost unit with the rightful compensation just because his house was wrongly marked ( with a same number as his neigbour) by MPPJ officers. That was not his fault. (Note: We will bring him along when we weet the new Mayor of MBPJ this Friday. See if the new Mayor can clear the mess created by the MCA reps in PJ.)

PJ Utara MP Chew Mei Fun has promised them that they will be given land titles immediately after the 2004 general elections on the condition that they must return her as an MP for another term. But Chew was already fully aware at that point of time that the entire Kg Micheal Chen was given to Taipan Focus for redevelpment under the Zero Squatters Policy 2005. I have with me a document, which Chew has put down her signature, as an evidence.

In fact, Chew and Dr Wong have appeared together with the developer as early as 2002, in a meet the residents session held at a local Chinese temple, on the issue of redevelopment. They may (or may not) know that I was there throughout the meeting that night!

I have informed all the 141 house-owners here about the 'ugly truth' but most of the residents here have chosen to believe Chew. Majority of them have voted for Chew, thinking that she would not lied to them.

Others who have made similar promise include Dr Wong Sai Hou ( state assemblyman of Kg Tunku) . Both Chew and dr Wong issued a joint letter on 17 March 2004, just a few days before the polling, plus a supporting letter choped and signed with a remark by the Selangor MB Dr Khir Toyo. This letter, plus the verbal promise and open statement in the press made by the two ( and also the weekly meeting with the residents) have convinced many residents here to vote for them.

The other person who has given false hope and empty promise to them was none other than the MCA President Ong Ka Ting. At a mass dinner held in 2002 here, he openly told the residents that their homes would not be demolished and individual land titles were in the process. He too told the residents not to believe in DAP leaders, and MCA will be able to help. Needless to say, his words did carry some weight at that time. But not anymore. Because the residents in Sg way finally realised that 'Nga Lan' to the MCA could only mean 'bad teeth'.

Chew and Wong have now gone hiding now that the houses were demolished, finally. I was told that many of the second or third families have yet to be alloted with a low-cost unit.

So, where is the 'Nga Lan', YB Chew ?

( The MCA State Assemblyman for Damansara Utama C.K.Lim also screwed up 'big time' in his constituency. More than 40 second and third families from Kg Cempaka(demolished last year) have yet to be alloted with low-cost units. They were stucked at the Kota Damansara temporary flats. And more than five families living in Kg Damansara Dalam were denied their rightful homes and they have reasons to believe that their units were taken but C.K Lim's right hand man illegally. They have made police reports with the PJ Police some months back. And the police have yet to act, as usual)

Note: 'Nga Lan' , land title, could also mean ' bad teeth'.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006







新上任的总警长慕沙哈山提出提升警员薪金的要求,理应获得政府的正视。我党希望政府从善如流,严正检讨警员薪金(尤其是普通警员的薪金) ,制定一套实际的警务人员薪金制,从而提高警队士气和警员的形像。







/ 刘天球




马华的 “独行侠” 这次纯粹针对学校拨款被“干捞” 事件评论两句,就被国阵“自己人”修理得体无完肤,同党同僚同志又不愿也不敢为他讲一两句公道话;结果被内阁责骂不算,顶头上司竟然还代为道歉,确是人间奇事一桩,再次印证“MALAYSIA BOLEH”。(顺便一提,此口号本是小弟的旧公司为客户美禄创作者,没想到后来被政府领袖敢敢盗用,没付一分钱版权费)。




杨白杨Sep 18, 06 3:29pm











Monday, September 18, 2006

皇冠镇VS GRAND SAGA 大道收费站公司

要求无条件开放主要通道 300居民徒步请愿 2006/09/17 18:11:13●南洋商报


逾300名居民扶老携幼带着愤怒的情绪,从皇冠城主要通道边走边高喊“BUKA JALAN”(开路),横跨整个11英里收费站到大道收费公司,游行队伍约300公尺长,霎时引起车龙,所有的车辆也鸣笛以示支持。




后备队员解散人群 2006/09/17 18:11:13●南洋商报




皇冠镇VS GRAND SAGA 大道收费站公司

步行到大道公司大廈請願 300人抗議甘榜路封鎖
星洲日报 SINCHEW updated:2006-09-18 12:42:41 MYT




不過,最後在行動黨蕉賴國會議員陳國偉、皇冠城開路委員會顧問劉天球和主席陳文華代表會見蕉加大道(GRAND SAGA)大道公司執行董事再納阿比汀,雙方取得一些協議后才使風波結束。











11.20am:陳國偉到來,居民鼓掌歡迎。他向居民發表談話,指警方應保護人民,不應以恐嚇方式,阻止居民為自己爭取使用道路的權利,他表示行動黨之前還在國會內為警方爭取加薪。11.25am:弗茲阻止陳國偉繼續發言,雙方僵持一陣后,居民仿傚台灣倒扁,不過是以“靜站” 方式,要求會見大道公司高層。


· 主要通道旁邊的甘榜路段於上週五(15日)被人安裝上鐵柵封鎖,禁止民眾使用該路通往蕉加大道。
· 甘榜路封鎖後,許多車輛被迫迴轉,必須使用雙溪龍鎮主要通道,以及經過蕉賴11哩的收費站,往返目的地。
· 甘榜路段長約60公尺,自蕉賴皇冠城主要通道被封鎖後,成為皇冠城和雙溪龍鎮居民避開蕉賴11哩收費站,通往蕉加大道的交替路。
· 之前,市議會曾根據甘榜居民的投訴,兩度以石墩以及挖掘深坑封鎖該路。不過,在蕉賴皇冠城居民的抗議以及行動黨協助下,兩項行動都宣告失敗。

BMC residents Vs Grand Saga

(pix) Fauzi, the man who threatened to use force against the BMC and Sg Long residents.

Bandar Mahkota Cheras residents had a protest this morning. They marched from the barricades to the Grand Saga office nearby. They managed to force the Grand Saga management to come to talk with them although today is Sunday.

The police has earlier threatened to use brutal force to chase away the residents but was wooed away by the 500- strong crowd.

Grand Saga deputy chairman Zainal Abidin bin Ali (former OCPD of Dang Wangi) finally appeared in his office to hold a meeting with Tan Boon Wah ( Bandar Mahkota Cheras Free Access Action Committee Chairman), Ronnie Liu (Advisor to the action committee) and YB Tan Kok Wai ( DAP Cheras MP) but offer no solution. He just kicked the ball to the developer, Narajaya Sdn Bhd of the Lion Group (controlled Tan Sri William Cheng).

The action committee has appointed Tan Kok Wai to be their coordinator. Tan is trusted to hold an all-party meeting ( incl developer, Grand Saga, Works Ministry, MPKj and the action committee) to find a solution.

Currently, BMC residents were forced to travel an extra 6.5 km everyday. They also have to pay RM1.20 (to and fro) everyday and get caught in traffic jams during peak hours.

Today's action was the 11th gatherings organised by the action commitee with the help of the DAP every Sunday.

I have confronted the police officer in-charge (Chief Inspector Fauzi) who threatened to use force to disperse the residents and even to arrest them. I wanted him to withdraw his threat and told him off openly.I said the duty and responsibilty of the police were to maintain law and order and they should not be taking side with the developer or the toll concessionaire.

Tan Kok Wai also took the opportunity to tell the police to arrest robbers and thieves instead of arresting the residents. He said the DAP has asked for higher pay and allowance for the police force in Parliament. He urged the police to protect the residents instead of causing trouble to them.

He said the Works Minister is expected to reply questions raised by the Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang in the Parliament next week.

Here's a report published by China Press...

























(Grand Saga Toll Plaza @ Cheras 10th Mile)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

history of independence - Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad et al

Bukan tokoh Umno saja perjuang kemerdekaan negara

Oleh Azamin Amin KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Sept (HARAKAH) -

Perjuangan menuntut kemerdekaan negara bukan sekadar 'dimonopoli' Umno semata, malah turut disumbang dan mendapat pengorbanan daripada para pejuang yang dianggap 'kiri' oleh penjajah British pada ketika itu.

Keberanian perlu ada untuk merungkai semula fakta sejarah dan memberi pertimbangan adil dalam mendedahkan pengorbanan para pejuang seperti Ustaz Abu Bakar Al-Baqir, Dr Burhanuddin Al-Helmy dan Ahmad Boestamam melalui pertubuhan-pertubuhan pimpinan mereka seperti Hizbul Muslimin, Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya (PKMM), Angkatan Pemuda Insaf (API) Angkatan Wanita Sedar (AWAS), Baris Tani Se-Malaya (BATAS), Majlis Agama Tertinggi Se-Malaya (MATA) untuk memerdekakan negara ini.

Jangan lupa jasa mereka... Dr Dzulkifli, Rustam Sani, Ronnie Liu dan James Wong dalam forum "Pensejarahan Semula Perjuangan Kemerdekaan" mahu sejarah dikaji semua dalam mengangkat dan menyanjung pejuang yang dilabel radikal dan 'kiri' yang dinafikan sejarah pengorbanan mereka yang turut menuntut kemerdekaan sebagai wira negara.

Inilah antara lontaran hujah dan perbincangan di antara ahli panel yang terdiri daripada Pengarah Pusat Penyelidikan PAS (PPP), Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad; bekas Timbalan Presiden Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM),Rustam Sani; AJK DAP, Ronnie Liu dan Ketua Strategik Analisis Malaysia(SAM), James Wong dalam forum 'Pensejarahan Semula Perjuagan Merdeka' semalam.

Forum yang dianjurkan 'Youth for Change' (Y4C) di Dewan Perhimpunan Cina Selangor itu dimoderatorkan oleh Lee Khai Loon dihadiri oleh seramai 50 orang peserta yang terdiri daripada pelbagai lapisan masyarakat.

"Perjuangan sebenar menuntut kemerdekaan sedari awal bukanlah dipelopori oleh Umno/Perikatan tetapi pemimpin-pemimpin dan pertubuhan-pertubuhan di labelkan radikal dan berhaluan kiri oleh British," kata Dr Dzulkifli.

"Perlu ada keberanian untuk mendedahkan perkara ini. Justeru, selagi mana fakta sejarah sebenar dirahsiakan dengan menonjolkan pejuang-pejuang kemerdekaan secara selektif; dengan menyatakan perjuangan menuntut kemerdekaan hanyalah dipelopori oleh pertubuhan moderat Melayu iaitu Umno, lantas menafikan peranan para pemimpin dan pertubuhan lain, maka selagi itulah semangat meraikan kemerdekaan secara bersama tidak akan tercapai," katanya lagi.

Kata beliau Umno dan Perikatan hanya menyambung usaha menuntut kemerdekaan daripada British setelah pemimpin-pemimpin yang dilabelkan radikal ini ditahan oleh British.

Rustam Sani pula mahu penafsiran dan definisi kemerdekaan dikaji semula dengan fikiran yang telus dan tajam supaya jati diri dan keperibadian bangsa Malaysia serta maksud kenegaraan sebenar dapat dicapai di samping mengelak pertembungan perbezaan, keistimewaan, hak dan konflik antara kaum dapat diatasi dengan sebaiknya.

"Sewajarnya kemerdekaan bukanlah dengan membahagi-bahagikan penduduk negara ini kepada kaum Melayu, Cina dan India yang menjurus ke arah konflik antara kaum dan inilah rangka kemerdekaan yang dimahukan oleh British pada masa itu," katanya.

Selain itu, isu sensitif perjuangan Parti Komunis Malaya bersama parti-parti nasionalis Melayu yang diharamkan telah mengangkat senjata menentang British turut dibincangkan demi memberikan keadilan dalam sejarah menuntut kemerdekaan.

"Bayangkan Ketua Polis Negara (KPN) yang pertama selepas merdeka menggelar anak tempatan seperti Adullah CD, Rashid Mydin, Shamsiah Fakeh dan Musa Ahmad sebagai pengganas," kata James Wong.

" Dia (KPN) adalah British yang lahir dari London dan ini hampir sama dengan Bush yang lahir di Amerika pergi ke Afganistan memanggil anak tempatan Osama ben Laden sebagai pengganas," katanya.

Dr Dzulkifli menegaskan pensejarahan semula perjuangan kemerdekaan negara ini amat penting demi menjamin keadilan dan kebenaran fakta sejarah kemerdekaan keseluruhannya.
Secara sinis menyatakan kepada khalayak bahawa tidak mahu berlaku seperti pepatah 'The victor writes history, the loser writes poetry' (Yang juara menulis sejarah, yang kalah menulis sajak).

Majlis tersebut menjadi rancak apabila ahli panel dihujani dengan pelbagai soalan termasuk isu-isu sensitif tentang perjuangan Chin Peng dan Komunis berakhir sekitar jam 12 tengah malam. - lanh